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Escrow Association of Washington

Welcome to the Escrow Association of Washington online education site!

NOTE: EAW is in the process of redesigning its continuing education offerings and our courses for LPO credit hours are not currently available. Please check back for updates. Thank you.

Visit the EAW website for the latest information on industry issues, membership, educational seminars and products.


Available Courses

  • lpo

    Enrollment in course runs for 180 days after enrollment.

    This course is designed to provide an intensive study environment along with comprehensive material for the Limited Practice Officer examination, based on the educational study objectives distributed by the Limited Practice Board, and industry experience. Our course is continually updated to include new information found in the study objectives, new documents as they are approved, and reflects the most current industry practices. The course is divided into the following Modules:

    • MODULE 1: Principles of Real Estate
    1. Real vs. Personal Property
    2. Estates in Land
    3. Ownership
    4. Liens and Encumbrances
    5. Legal Descriptions
    • MODULE 2: Rules and Regulations
    1. APR 12
    2. APR 12 Appendix/Regulations
    3. Rules of Professional Conduct
    4. Continuing Education Regulations
    5. Rules for Enforcement of LPO Conduct
    6. Disciplinary Regulations
    • MODULE 3: Approved Documents
    • MODULE 4: Personal Property
    1. Personal Property
    2. Mobile Homes
    • MODULE 5: Real Estate Excise Tax
    • MODULE 6: Suggested Study Topics
    • MODULE 7: Test Preparation
    1. Studying for the Test
    2. Sample Test Questions
    3. Sample Practice Problems

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